A Prayer for the New Year

O God, we read that You make all things new.
You do not make all new things,
replacing that which has imperfections.
You are more about transformation,
making a new creation out of that which is
flawed, void, or without the correct form.

Yet, Lord, we get stuck in a rut.
We are unwilling to hear something new
or different than what we were taught
years ago, back in the good old days.
We assume there can be only one meaning
to certain passages of Scripture,
we will not open our minds
to something new.

Yet, we are called to love You
with all of our minds.
The Apostle Paul called us to
be transformed by the renewing of our minds.
Help us to discern Your desires
for us as individuals and for the world.
In humility, like children, let us
be teachable again,
not knowing all of the answers,
but being willing to hear something new.
Help us to be transformed in this new year.

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1 thought on “A Prayer for the New Year”

  1. My first time to visit your website. I don’t get time at a computer, so this is just from my phone.I’m with Helen at the eye doctor and have a long wait.
    Your prayer helped me today as I’ve just been “rebuked” gently,(part of the deacon program) but its been a long time since anyone brought my faults to my attention. A necessary part of spirtual growth and the prayer encourged me.

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